Die Scherer Bünting Orgel zu Mölln
When the new organ was built in Mölln’s St Nicolai Church in 1558, Jacob Scherer took over pipes from the previous building dating from 1436 – probably the oldest known Gothic organ pipes in northern Germany. Organist Dagmar Lübking has selected works for her recording on the Scherer-Bünting organ, which was completed in May 2022 after a sensational restoration by the Flentrop company, that document the richness of its sound and the extraordinary, almost 600-year history of this unique instrument.
You can order the CD for 18,90 euro with Es Dur

Schnitger in Norway
The new organ in Dypvåg (2019) is built in a North German Baroque style, suitable for 17th and 18th century music. The compact two-manual organ is inspired by the Schnitger organ in Dedesdorf. Due to architectural limitations, the pipework of both manuals is placed on one windchest in a row (twin drawer). The organ is classically made, with a diversity of colors and characters and a natural, direct touch. This gives the organist maximum control over the sound and the speaking of the pipes.
Organist Hans van der Meijden plays works of Bach, Buxtehude, Goudimel, Böhm and Tunder. “This organ is a treasure that must be played by skillful hands. Its specific style and very limited size require the organist to be creative in his or her registrations and sensitive to explore the beauty it contains. But when played with this care, the instrument will reward the organist and the congregation with a sound quality that touches the heart.”
You can order the CD for 15 euros via info@dmp-records.nl

Die Andreas Schneider Orgel
CD the Andreas Schneider organ (1681) in the former abbey church of Corvey, Egbert Schoenmaker.
Egbert Schoenmaker has put together a programme for this CD that reflects the instrument’s characteristic meantone tuning, period of construction and sound characteristics. The CD opens with a Gouda setting of Psalm 113 followed by a chorale prelude by the only contemporary composer in this programme: Dick Koomans, who was involved in the restoration together with Jan Spijker as intonator for Flentrop Orgelbouw.
You can order the CD at Flentrop for 20 euros.
075 – 61 68 651 of info@flentrop.nl

Greetings from Haarlem organ city
City organist Anton Pauw put together a careful programme, partly with works that have a link to the organ. Especially his musical interpretations make this a very nice CD.
“Not only are the registrations of the works right. Pauw brings the music to life. You can hear how the organist takes intense pleasure in making music. The CD opens with the virtuoso pedal solo of Böhm’s Preludium in d. It is a delight to hear Pauw play with the acoustics of the church: just the right pauses while at the same time the piece maintains a tremendous drive.”
You can order the CD for 15 euros (excluding shipping costs) at rexmusic21@yahoo.com.
Or is available at the shop of the Grote- or St.-Bavokerk (Grote Markt 22, Haarlem).
Elske ter Lindert, Doetinchem
City organist Elske te Lindert plays Eight kleine Preludien und Fugen and several chorale arrangements by Bach on the Flentro organ in Doetinchem.
“Elske manages to capture exactly the right atmosphere through her understated but also joyful playing (and beautiful registration!). In one word: brilliant!”
Theo J. Rougoor
You can order the CD for 15 euros at etelindert@icloud.com

Master and Apprentice
Organist and organ maker Yu Nagayama plays works by Buxtehude, J.S. Bach, W.F. Bach and Bruhns. “The CD focuses on various facets of the teacher-pupil connection. This could be an almost identical type of composition, but also practice material or an audition piece. Often, we hear the master resounding in the student’s compositions.The student may do it lollygagging, but still he does not disown his spiritual father.”
“Yu Nagayama’s playing is fresh and crisp in atmosphere, as clear as it is creative. A successful production, in which deepening knowledge of organ art and listening pleasure combine perfectly.”
Bert Wisgerhof, Orgelfriend.
“The interesting thing about theme CDs is that the music lover […] can learn a lot from them. […] And if it is then also well explained in the booklet, provided with appealing note examples, the glass is more than half full anyway. However, the glass becomes even fuller (actually, in this case, even filled to the brim) if it is also musically done to perfection and highly inspiring.”
Aart van der Wal, Opus Klassiek.
You can order the CD for 15 euros (excluding shippingcosts) via rexmusic21@yahoo.com

Royal College of Music
In 2017, Flentrop completed the new organ for the Royal College of Music, London. To mark the commissioning, a CD was recorded with a selection of organ works performed by David Graham.
“I am thrilled that the realisation [of our vision] has gone even beyond our high expectation.”
David Graham, Professor in Charge of Organ, RCM.

Die neue Flentrop Orgel
In 2017, Flentrop completed the new organ for the Pfarrkirche in Sankt Florian am Inn, Austria. The sound of the organ refers to historic organ building of the 16th and 17th centuries. To mark the inauguration, Dick Koomans recorded a CD after intonation, with works of 16th- and 17th-century works by Bach, Buxtehude, Kolb, Goudimel and Philips, among others.
“Dick Koomans presents the organ with music from the period on which the instrument is based […] no complicated music, but rather original finds from past centuries and region, supplemented if necessary by an occasional improvisation. The CD gives a good picture of how Flentrop has managed to create many registration possibilities in a relatively small instrument […] clear and homogeneous sound image.”
You can order the CD for 10 euros at Flentrop.
>> 075 – 61 68 651, or info@flentrop.nl

Dritter Teil der Clavier Übung
The imposing [III P 43] Draps/Flentrop organ in Sint-Niklaas (B) was the partner of choice for Bach’s monumental Dritter Theil der Clavier Übung.
“Bart Jacobs is organist-titularist of St Michael and St Gudula Cathedral in Brussels. The organ chorales are alternated with the one-part melodies of Martin Luther on the one hand and the four-part chorales of Johann Sebastian Bach himself on the other. The vocal part will be provided by singers from the ensemble Vox Luminis.”
You can order the CD for 20 euros at Organroxx

Bach in Lübeck
Arvid Gast plays various works by Bach on both the large and small organ at the Jacobikirche in Lübeck. “…This is a fantastic CD […] Both composer, instrument and performer come in overwhelmingly”.
“Arvid Gast has a fantastic way of playing and recording. He uses natural tempi and thinks from clear lines. Gast delivers incredibly beautiful delicate vocal playing, where it is easy to see that he knows both Bach and both instruments like the back of his hand.”
Martin Moree, Orgelnieuws

Complete orgelwerken Bach
Organist Pieter van Dijk is going to record all of Bach’s organ works in a few years. He wants to play at least half of Bach’s oeuvre on ‘his organ’; the van Hagerbeer Schnittger organ in Alkmaar, because it is so particularly suitable for playing Bach. He will also play for the recordings on the Garrels organ in Purmerend, the Hinsz organ in Bolsward and the Flentrop organ in Hamburg, among others.
“This promises to be a top series; make sure you get it. Because with Pieter van Dijk you will find a thoughtful yet lived-in Bach. That’s how it should be.”
Pieter van Dijk’s Bach integral will comprise 10 double CDs. Three volumes have now been issued. The CDs cost €25 each. When subscribing to the complete series, they cost €20 each.
Send an email to info@dmp-records.nl, call 06-13153660 or fill in our contactform.
Or sign up for the complete set of 10 CD’s.

Katharinenkirche - Sietze de Vries
Sietze de Vries plays works by Praetorius, Reincken, Bach and improvisations on the Reincken Organ reconstructed by Flentrop in Hamburg’s Katharinenkirche.
“Based on surviving, mutilated pipework and a thorough organ archaeological investigation, Flentrop succeeded in building an organ that seems to have stepped right out of 1720. The result achieved is a stunning display of craftsmanship and artistry.
Using a beautiful touch, beautiful registrations and a natural agogic, Sietze de Vries gives the music and the organ all the space they need.”
Organ News
You can order the CD at JSB Records.

Eine Orgel für Bach
Andreas Fischer, organist of St Katharinenkerk, released the first CD on which the new rugwerk can be heard in all its glory. He plays works ranging (in time) from Sweelinck (1562-1621) to Karl Höller (1907-1987) and uses a whole range of registrations.
The CD costs €16.95 plus postage and is available via the order form on the Stiftung Johann Sebastian website:

Bach by Bierling
The Doelen in Rotterdam presented the first of a series of three CDs on which Geert Bierling works from J.S. Bach on the refurbished organ.
On this first CD are the Toccata in G BWV 916, the eight Little Prelude and Fugen BWV 553-560, Partita ‘Sey Gegrüsset’ BWV 768 and the Toccata in d BWV 565.
The CD can be ordered for € 17,50 at:

Regina Renata
The first CD on which the new Katharinen organ can be heard in all its glory. Andreas Fischer, Pieter van Dijk and Wolfgang Zerer play Scheidemann, Reincken and Bach but also Degenhardt and Distler.
You can order this item for € 16,- at: www.stiftung-johann-sebastian.de

Orgels Laurenskerk
Fugue State Films has produced a DVD/CD box about the history of the organs in the Laurenskerk in Alkmaar. The DVD contains a 1-hour documentary, followed by more than 2 hours of film, demonstrations and performances. The box also includes a CD with music by Sweelinck, van Noordt, Schuyt, Weckmann, Bach, Bastiaans and Piet Kee.
Organists: Pieter van Dijk, Frank van Wijk, Leo van Doeselaar, Bernard Winsemius.
Historians and experts: Paul Binski, Cor Edskes, Frits Elshout and Erik Winkel of Flentrop.
More info and ordering: Fugue Statefilms

Sonates Kuhnau
Richard Apperley, assistant organist at Wellington Anglican Cathedral, recently recorded his debut CD on the Flentrop organ at St Pauls Lutheran Church in Wellington.
Available at www.richardapperley.com

Portret van een Schyven orgel
The Schuven organ in St Peter and Paul church in Ostend was restored/reconstructed by Flentrop in 2000. Peter Ledaine plays various works on the organ by Mendelssohn, Bach and Franck, among others.
Available for 15 euros at Organroxx

The 4-CD box set ‘Hidden Pearls of Michaël Maarschalkerweerd’ will be released in a limited edition and is a true collector’s item. Christiaan de Gier, Eric Koevoets, Gerben Mourik and Arjan Leistra will play 12 Maarschalkerweerd organs. Flentrop Orgelbouw is a sponsor of the Stichting Michaël Maarschalkerweerd Commemorative Year 2015.
2015 marked the 100th anniversary of the death of organ builder Michaël Maarschalkerweerd (1838-1915),
passed away. His firm Maarschalkerweerd & Son built a total of more than 200 organs, over 100 of which are still present, including the organ of the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam.

Flentrop Mini CD's
The mini-CDs issued on our 100th anniversary in 2003 are still available, except for the CD of the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwegasthuis in Amsterdam.
The playing time per CD is about 20 minutes. The CDs cost €5 each; €20 per set of five, including postage.
>> Order: 075 – 61 68 651, or info@flentrop.nl